
Unlike a command line operating system or CUI like UNIX or MS-DOS, GUI operating systems are much easier to learn and use because commands do not need memorized. Additionally, users do not need to know any programming languages. Because of their ease of use, GUI operating systems have become the dominant operating system today's end-users.

Early Graphical Desktop Environments

A GUI uses windows, icons, and menus to carry out commands, such as opening, deleting, and moving files. Although many GUI operating systems are with a mouse, the keyboard can also be utilized by using keyboard shortcuts or arrow keys.

Xerox Alto®

Lisa® Computer




GUIs built on the X Window System


Windows® XP

Windows® vista

Current Graphical Desktop Environment

Android based Devices

Popular Android devices include Smartphone, tablets and e-readers. The Android OS is also built into a limited number of other devices, such as notebooks, portable music players, the Bin atone iHome Phone and Android handheld game consoles.

Within a short period, the Android platform became so popular that it surpassed Windows Mobile and Symbian for a number of applications. Various mobile device manufacturers embraced the Android platform due to its overwhelming popularity. The reasons behind this success are as follows:

  • Cutting-edge technology offered by Google
  • Extremely user friendly platform
  • Can be used in Smartphone as well as tablets
  • Any user can do modifications to the platform as the Android SDK is open to users
  • Availability of huge volume of applications

Linear and Multiple Browsing (NJB)

Abdul Karim first introduced linear Browsing in NotJustBrowsing® 1 in 2005. Environments where desktop items (small graphical images/icons) are scroll into visible area of the screen horizontally or vertically. Majority of desktop environments of today moved towards scrollable desktop.

  1. By pressing "New Linear Browser" button, a new browser will be inserted in front of the one whose button was pressed. New browser will start browsing for the address that was present in the URL box at the time of pressing the button.
  2. An indicator corresponding to every new browser will be placed at the top displaying the status of the browsing. On successful loading of document (light green), indicator representing this browser will display access time, but in the tool tip as shown above. If needed, by clicking on to this browsing indicator, respective browser will be brought in front.
  3. Browsing progress status text will be displayed in the URL box with a light coloured background.
  4. Browsing window size can be found as a tool tip to the browsing control panel. This size can be used to adjust the size in the layout settings for multiple browsing purpose.
  5. Linear browsing can be activated by using "Go-Film-strip" menu item in the Study Place on a selected heading or sub heading.

Zero Point

Zero Point means that a place from where you can reach every other place. At the end of installation process of NotJustBrowsing a structure is built to represent Zero Point for user's computer. This structure will allow a user to access most of the operating system's functionality from within this structure. At the same time it will provide a structured way to store/access the information that builds up with time in every computer.

Information, may it be local (on user's computer) or on world wide web, can be referenced in one unique way using NotJustBrowsing.

A user will now be able to access all places and facilities present on their computer at one time by using either "linear" or "multiple" or both views.

Elements of Zero Point

Picture below is the Zero Point location. From this location you should be able to access all functionality provided within your computer.



Latest News
First version of NotJustBrowsing® Desktop is released.

NotJustBrowsing®  By Abdul Karim version 1.0.11 will release very soon with amazing and striking features.

 NotJustBrowsing® Desktop

Linear Desktop, derived from NotJustBrowsing®. Desktop environment made simple by employing linear browsing technique. Computer resources (documents, programs, system facilities, configuration utilities etc.) are placed in such a way as to be reached in one mouse button click or through the scroll-bar action. Visual book marking system presents a neat and tidy way to have organized book marks, right where they can be seen. Bookmark any place may it be on internet or on your local hard drive.Web browser coupled with desktop, readily available at all times for all need. Easily configurable program bar.